What is a Digital Twin?

 In CraneMorley, Mixed Reality Industry Insight

What is a Digital Twin?

A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical object or process. Despite being in the early stages of adoption, digital twins can range from simple designs, depicting the external view of a car, to complex models that provide X-ray-like insights into the internal components of a vehicle. These models are exact replicas that can be scaled up or down as needed. The applications of digital twins are virtually limitless, and their popularity is poised to grow further with the ongoing boom of the Internet of Things (IoT).

How are Digital Twins used?

Digital twins find applications across a wide spectrum of business activities. Companies utilize digital twins to replace physical prototypes and minimize wastage. They are also employed in training scenarios to grant trainees access to expensive or bulky equipment that would typically be off-limits. In the realm of museums, digital twins resurrect animals and buildings that no longer exist, breathing life into history. Moreover, digital twins enable remote collaboration, simulating an experience of being together in person and interacting with a shared prototype or piece of equipment.

Digital Twins applications?

Despite being in its infancy, digital twin technology has already made significant inroads across various industries, including retail, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and entertainment. The diversity of use cases is striking, ranging from enhancing customer shopping experiences to facilitating remote bridge inspections and providing NFL game day entertainment. As mainstream adoption continues to unfold, these applications are poised to become an integral part of everyday life.

What are the advantages of digital twins?

The advantages and benefits of digital twins are manifold. They encompass shortened design times, waste reduction, improved profitability, remote collaboration capabilities, and robust simulation capabilities. Rather than printing and shipping physical 3D models to team members spread across different geographic locations, companies can instantly share prototypes through digital twins. This not only reduces or eliminates unnecessary prototype production and shipping, benefiting the environment, but also yields cost savings for the company. A more detailed exploration of these benefits will be delved into in a forthcoming blog.

 What’s the Future for Digital Twins?

The future of digital twins aligns seamlessly with the rapid progress in technology. As new environments like mixed reality and the metaverse emerge, the usage of digital twins will accelerate. Increased simulations and interactions will be facilitated through digital twins, culminating in a transformative impact on how we work and predict outcomes. This technology will empower us to explore infinite scenarios and make critical, life-saving decisions based on comprehensive knowledge. From advancing autonomous driving to revolutionizing medical simulations, the future impact of digital twins is poised to be life-altering.

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