5 ways Microsoft HoloLens has changed the way we train

 In CraneMorley, Mixed Reality Tips and Tricks

The way we approach training is undergoing a significant transformation.

Microsoft HoloLens 2 has revolutionized employee training methods. Through the power of HoloLens and Mixed Reality, training is being reimagined and made more efficient and effective than ever before. This technology has enabled companies to explore innovative ways of achieving their training goals. One of the most pressing challenges that businesses encounter is the time constraints faced by instructors when training employees. Conventional training methods struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancement. Given the substantial investments made in new technologies, companies are keen to realize their returns on investment promptly. Here are five ways Microsoft HoloLens has revolutionized the training landscape:

Remote Trainings

Microsoft HoloLens, in tandem with Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, offers an ideal solution for remote training sessions. Traditional virtual instructor-led training typically involves video calls with limited interactive capabilities. However, HoloLens and Remote Assist take the experience to a new level, enabling students to be taught within the instructor’s field of view. This approach allows instructors to guide students as if they were right beside them, demonstrating tasks hands-free. Interactive annotations keep the training engaging, ensuring active student participation. Remote training also empowers instructors to simultaneously train individuals in different locations, boosting efficiency throughout the day.

Instructorless Training

Dynamics 365 Guides introduces a novel concept of training without the need for dedicated instructors. By offering step-by-step instructional cards, Guides guides users through task completion independently. Users can personalize their learning experience by selecting their skill level, leading to a tailored learning path. This approach minimizes unnecessary training for more experienced individuals and ensures each trainee receives targeted guidance. In instances where questions or problems arise, instructors are readily available to provide assistance.

Self-Paced Training

Recognizing that individuals learn at different paces, Dynamics 365 Guides provides an optimal solution for self-paced training. This approach accommodates varying learning speeds and safeguards against crucial steps being overlooked. Trainees have control over when they proceed to the next step, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of each task. Slow learners are not rushed to keep up, preventing misunderstandings due to haste. On the other hand, faster learners must complete each step before moving forward, fostering a solid understanding of the material.

Hands-On Training

An experiential learning approach, where trainees learn by doing, is highly effective. HoloLens users benefit from a hands-free, heads-up learning experience that cultivates practical skills. This contrasts with conventional video-based courses, as HoloLens enables students, particularly in fields like healthcare, to practice simulated surgeries and navigate various scenarios they may encounter in real-world settings.

Advanced Data Tracking

Dynamics 365 Guides provides sophisticated data tracking and insightful analytics to assess trainee performance. Instructors and managers gain access to comprehensive data points to identify areas for improvement. Key metrics reveal how long users take to complete tasks, whether they encounter challenges with specific instruction cards, and if they fully or partially complete the training guide. This data empowers instructors and managers to gauge the effectiveness and efficiency of their training initiatives.

In conclusion, the introduction of Microsoft HoloLens 2 has ushered in a new era of employee training. The incorporation of Mixed Reality has resulted in innovative methods that cater to different learning styles, promote hands-on experience, and provide valuable insights into trainee progress. The impact of this technology on training efficacy and efficiency is truly transformative.

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