Chipotle Mixed Reality Ad during NHL Intermission

 In CraneMorley, Mixed Reality Industry Insight

Unbeknownst to many, Mixed Reality has established its presence within the realm of sports. Sporting events and broadcasts have now become regular platforms for Mixed Reality integration. Furthermore, the potential for utilizing Mixed Reality extends to coaching athletes. The next evolution of Mixed Reality’s role in sports occurs within advertising and promotion at sporting events and during broadcasts.

During this year’s Stanley Cup finals, the Colorado Avalanche unveiled the pioneering Mixed Reality Ad. In the intermission periods, both in-stadium and television audiences were treated to an innovative spectacle previously unseen. An ice resurfacer was depicted gliding through the ice rink, bearing a Chipotle bowl and fork. Amidst this spectacle, an arm clad in a hockey glove emerged from the ice, seemingly materializing from nowhere. The arm grasped the Chipotle bowl and subsequently reappeared to clutch the fork.

This thirty-second ad ingeniously “merged live programming with a commercial break,” as elucidated by Andrew Isaacson, Executive Vice President of Mixed Reality agency, The Famous Group. The ad’s distinct design and purpose cunningly deceived viewers into believing that the commercial break had concluded and the game was resuming. Achieving this illusion involved the utilization of “camera angles and background noise identical to an actual hockey broadcast.” This simple yet brilliant approach is a testament to the creative ingenuity and potent capabilities of Mixed Reality.

The outcome of the ad “surpassed (Chipotle’s) brand expectations,” as stated by Chipotle CMO Chris Brandt after its airing. The ad garnered more viewership than anticipated for its thirty seconds of airtime. Overnight, the ad took the online sphere by storm, amassing a significant social media following with over 219.5k views to date.

This application underscores The Famous Group’s perspective on Mixed Reality’s role in sports. Its potential far surpasses mere entertainment; they envisaged its utility in advertising and marketing, as exemplified above. Mixed Reality can mask empty seats, facilitate non-intrusive ad placement on courts, and even enhance the viewer experience without compromising play quality. As the technology’s popularity surges, Mixed Reality will inevitably pervade all facets of sports.

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