What is E-Learning?

 In CraneMorley

Due to the coronavirus, you must be hearing more and more about e-learning. Most of the news and articles focus on how schools are adapting to social distancing through e-learning. However, a minority of these discussions address how businesses have also adjusted their training methods to incorporate social distancing through e-learning. In these unprecedented times, e-learning has become a necessity for maintaining continuity and adapting to new circumstances.

Laptop/book design with floating images to show what you can learn with e-learningWhat is e-learning?

E-learning, short for electronic learning, refers to “learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet”. It encompasses various forms of learning aided by technology. The popularity of e-learning has surged with advancements in technology, providing individuals with the opportunity to learn at their own convenience, regardless of their location and time.

What are the forms of e-learning?

E-learning comes in diverse forms, making it a versatile option for education and training. One prevalent form is instructor-led teaching/training delivered virtually. This method has proven especially relevant in the wake of Covid-19, as instructors lead social distance learning courses through live video calls. Another form is web-based training/courses facilitated by learning management systems. This enables learners, whether employees or students, to progress at their own pace. While there are numerous other formats, these two are the primary modes of e-learning.

What are the advantages of e-learning?

A common thread across all forms of e-learning is the flexibility it offers, allowing learning to take place from virtually anywhere. From a business perspective, this approach promotes efficiency and cost savings. For learners, e-learning offers the freedom to explore a wide range of subjects at their convenience. In the past, learning was predominantly confined to in-person instruction or limited reading materials. However, with the advent of online courses, individuals can now teach themselves on a plethora of topics. The onset of the coronavirus has further accelerated the growth of e-learning.

Why is e-learning important?

E-learning holds significance for a multitude of reasons. It empowers individuals to pursue self-directed learning on various subjects. The ability to access online resources and learn at one’s own pace is empowering. E-learning stands out for its efficiency and cost-effectiveness in facilitating learning. The ability to create web-based training programs once and update them as needed contributes to companies’ overall efficiency in managing their time and resources.

For an example of how E-Learning is being used to train employees. Check out our blog on how CraneMorley helped SoCalGas Rapid Response To COVID-19.

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