HoloLens is helping surgeons work together across the world

 In CraneMorley, Mixed Reality Use Cases

Microsoft’s HoloLens finds application in various industries and for diverse use cases, transforming the way businesses function. Mixed Reality technology, coupled with the HoloLens, is revolutionizing operational paradigms. One notable project from Microsoft underscores this transformative trend, facilitating collaborative endeavors among surgeons across the globe.

In the heart of December 2020, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Bruno Gobbato, located in Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil, executed a surgery to rectify a fractured collarbone. However, this was no ordinary surgical procedure. Dr. Gobbato engaged in remote collaboration with Professor Thomas Gregory in Paris and Dr. John Erickson in New Jersey. Utilizing Dr. Gobbato’s real-time field of view, they collectively deliberated on the surgical approach, discussing each step and sharing their unique perspectives. This unique collaboration amalgamated French, American, and Latin American viewpoints, resulting in a more efficient and expedited surgical process.

The HoloLens 2, a potent tool for collaboration, serves myriad other functions. This headset offers a sterile, hands-free operative option, while data accessibility is facilitated through simple voice commands. Surgeons can summon CT scans and magnify specific areas as required. Notably, the integration of holograms is a pivotal feature. Previously constrained to a handful of images on a computer screen, medical practitioners now harness holograms that exhibit diverse angles of x-rays and scans.

Reflecting on the future of mixed reality within operating rooms, Dr. Gobbato expressed his conviction, stating, “I genuinely believe mixed reality will find multifaceted applications in operating rooms in the future.” He further added, “I am eagerly anticipating the prospects that lie ahead in the next few years.”

Through this endeavor, physicians unearthed the HoloLens as an invaluable tool for surgery planning and training. Students navigate through a spectrum of scenarios, encompassing worst-case contingencies and their resolutions. Holographic simulations of surgical procedures offer a practical learning avenue, enabling students to gain expertise through hands-on experiences. This innovative training methodology supersedes conventional instructor-based learning, as students cultivate muscle memory and confidence by engaging in mock surgeries.

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