4 Qualitative Benefits of Microsoft HoloLens

 In CraneMorley, Mixed Reality Industry Insight

When contemplating the implementation of new technologies like Mixed Reality and Microsoft HoloLens within organizations, the primary focus often lands on quantifiable financial benefits. It’s a given that technology should deliver time and cost savings; if it doesn’t, its utility may be questioned. Naturally, these considerations are paramount when deciding to invest in new technology. However, amidst the financial evaluation, the often-overlooked qualitative benefits warrant careful attention.

Here are key qualitative benefits of Microsoft HoloLens:

Enhanced Employee Experience

Microsoft HoloLens contributes to an enriched employee experience by fostering excitement and satisfaction within their roles. Beyond its inherent cool factor, the HoloLens boasts immense practicality. Prior to stepping onto the frontline, employees experience a sense of reassurance, knowing they’ve undergone thorough, efficient training. On factory floors, instead of waiting for subject matter experts, workers can confidently employ Guides to evaluate and diagnose issues. In production-focused environments where wages are tied to output, minimizing or eliminating downtime significantly contributes to enhancing the overall employee experience.

Better Attraction, Hiring, and Retention of Employees

We’ve discussed this previously, but the HoloLens introduces an element of enjoyment to work, playing a pivotal role in attracting, hiring, and retaining talent. Mixed Reality utilization communicates a company’s commitment to evolution, dedicated to both employee and customer success. In a dynamic landscape, employees are less likely to be drawn to an organization stuck in outdated systems while competitors embrace adaptation and growth. The choice between job security amidst stagnation or a forward-thinking company striving for excellence becomes evident.

Health and Safety through Minimized Exposure

This benefit gained prominence during the peak of the pandemic and has been extensively covered. As we transition towards a semblance of normalcy, the adoption of Microsoft HoloLens for remote operations maintains its momentum. Notably, the U.S. and Australian armies have harnessed the power of HoloLens in projects designed to save lives on the frontline. Similarly, the state of Minnesota has revolutionized bridge inspections, reducing perilous manual inspections where workers dangle from the bridge’s side. Another intriguing application involves using the HoloLens to enhance safety in mining, as outlined in a recent published article.

Furtherance of Sustainability Goals

The HoloLens, coupled with the Remote Assist application, enables a multitude of tasks to be executed remotely, without compromising operations. Remote Assist facilitates virtual presence without the need for physical proximity. This dynamic capability empowers companies to reduce their environmental footprint, encompassing curtailed travel, diminished rework and errors, and decreased reliance on consumables and personal protective equipment (PPE).

In conclusion, while financial benefits certainly underscore the adoption of Mixed Reality technologies, the qualitative advantages bear equal significance. Microsoft HoloLens extends far beyond cost and time savings, enriching the workplace, nurturing talent, promoting health and safety, and contributing to sustainable practices.

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